

The bric-a-brac, household items and gifts sector includes a large variety of products that range from merely functional items to decorative items. This section includes kitchen utensils, crockery and china, different types of storage, picture frames, table decorations, hangers, toilet articles, etc.

To combine all these products harmoniously within one same sector, we provide the necessary equipment adapted to each situation and type of product, from large gondola shelving to small sections exhibiting prominent items.

Taking into account the fact that many of the articles offered are fragile, we have developed flexible and resistant furniture which can be adapted to difficult situations, such as the exhibition of crockery in an attractive way minimizing the risk of breakage, and often accompanied with other decorative items.

The combination of metal, wood and glass items for exhibiting plates, cutlery, pots and pans and toilet accessories make this section one of the poles of attention in the store.